Blog Articles and Resources for Pastors and Church Leaders

What's Your Faith-Sharing Style? Mark Mittelberg

When I was in graduate school, my wife Heidi and I — we had just gotten going, it was a seminary, and the summer was coming and we found out about an opportunity to go overseas and serve in a church for the whole summer. And we thought what a cool...

5 Reasons to add the Expositor’s Bible Commentary to your Library

The Expository Bible Commentary (EBC) is a staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide. Here’s why: Comprehensive yet succinct Today, with commentaries on a single book of the Bible often extending into multiple volumes, the need for a...

Should We Talk About Race in Church?

The end of our story is a beautiful picture of a diverse group of people all worshiping together before God. This is where the church will end up one day. But this is not necessarily how the church looks today. In fact, odds are that if you walk into a random church, it will look more like one single tribe, tongue, and nation. Multiracial churches are not certainly the norm. 

3 Ways to Demonstrate Care to the LGBTQ+ Community in Your City

In 2018, my church landed in the local LGBTQ+ press for hosting a conference of Christians who are gay or same-sex attracted and committed to the biblical sexual ethic. It was not good press. We were promoting Conversion Therapy 2.0, they wrote. We...

Life in God's Diverse Family | Derwin Gray

Paul’s world was even more racially divided than our 21st century. Let’s never forget that racism misses God’s mark, God’s goal, the word sin means to miss the mark. God’s goal is for humanity to love each other as expressed through the person of...

The Thing Beneath the Thing | Steve Carter

The Apostle Paul once said, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do (Romans 7:15).” Here is the most prolific writer in the New Testament articulating the struggle to be human. He expresses the ways...

The Promises We Find in Bible Prophecy | Dr. David Jeremiah

In the early years of World War II, German forces quickly conquered almost all of continental Europe. Hitler’s eyes then fell on the prize of Great Britain. If he could send invasion forces across the English Channel and conquer England, his...

Becoming a King Experience: A Free Resource for Pastors and the Men of the Church | Morgan Snyder

In twenty-five years of fighting for maculine restoration, the greatest compliment I have received as it relates to the masculine journey was from John Eldredge, my mentor and long-time friend. Among a circle of Kingdom-hearted leaders, John...

For the one who feels tired and overwhelmed… | Hosanna Wong

Recently I did a poll on my Instagram, asking people how they were doing and what they were struggling with. There was an immediate and overwhelming response: people are tired. And as leaders, we feel it too. We are not only carrying the weight and...

The 5 evangelism styles of your church members | Mark Mittelberg & Lee Strobel

As a pastor, it can sometimes feel like you are the only one in your church expected to evangelize. But that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Did you know there are 5 distinct faith-sharing styles? Where some of your church members might be terrified...

Hope for Those Who Need Healing | Costi W. Hinn

When people are in need of physical healing, hope can be hard to find. For the Christian, hope is never far away. Following Jesus may not lead to health, wealth, and prosperity on earth, but we can rest assured he is still the high King of heaven....

Can We Really Know That There's a Heaven? Lee Strobel

I remember spending the day with the famous worldwide evangelist, Luis Palau, who was dying at the time from stage 4 lung cancer. And I remember asking him whether he fears death, and he told me, I don’t really. I’m so convinced from scripture that...

Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat? Mark Batterson

Letter writing is an art. Expressing your thoughts in letter form is a very personal and vulnerable thing to do. It is also, a very effective way to share your true feelings. Famous couples throughout history have shared their deepest feelings and...

You Were Made for This Moment: Courage for Today and Hope for Tomorrow

Winter casts a cold shadow. The days are short. The nights are long. The sun seems shy, hidden behind the grayness of the days. Warmth has packed her bags and migrated to the tropics. Beach weather would be nice. But that’s clearly not going to...

30 Days to Growing in Your Faith | Max Anders

Why did you write 30 Days to Growing In Your Faith ? I remember many years ago, late at night, sitting on a park bench under a soft street light at the Christian college I was attending, wondering why in the world the Christian life wasn’t working...

Have Serious Fun… and 3 Other Life Changing Principles I Learned from Cancer | Jim Burns

I married Cathy 47 years ago and after a 10-day honeymoon, started working as a youth pastor in a church. We were both from somewhat dysfunctional families and we were the first to become Christians in our family. Yet we had the misconception that...

Free Resources

Using How (not) to Save the World with your church or small group?

Using How (not) to Save the World with your church or small group?

Here are some tools to help: 

The Small Group Tool Kit includes two mobile-friendly invitation cards, reflection cards to enhance your small  group experience, and a worship song playlist curated by Hosanna Wong that can beplayed during small group meetings or personal Bible study time. 

The Church Tool Kit includes a downloadable poster, bulletininsert, invitation card, and Power Point slide.

Is your church talking about anxiety, depression and mental health issues? You should be.

Is your church talking about anxiety, depression and mental health issues? You should be.

Shawn Johnson, lead pastor of Red Rocks Church, gives a
searingly honest portrait of anxiety and depression and shows readers how to fight back and live free. He also has put together three free tools pastors can use to help their congregation have a productive conversation around mental health, including a discussion guide, sermon notes and key Scripture verses.