Advent is the season that Christians use to reflect and prepare for the nativity of Christ at Christmas and hopeful anticipation of the expected return of Christ in the Second Coming.
The authors of HarperChristian Resources want to share messages of hope, faith, joy, and peace for you throughout the Advent Season.
Enjoy day 8 with Craig Groeschel.
If what your church or ministry is doing now is effective and changing lives, enjoy it while it lasts. Because what’s working now won’t work in the future. The message we preach must never change, but how we communicate it must change as the world changes. This may sound discouraging, but it’s true. If you don’t change, you won’t last. If you don’t adapt how you share the gospel, your effectiveness will likely lessen over time because the world is changing too fast. William Pollard said, “The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”
If you are ready for change, you are ready for growth. This mindset changes how you see problems. When you think about it, every innovation is really a solution to a problem. Problems aren’t things to be feared but opportunities to embrace