Virtual Bible Study

Meeting as a Bible Study Group Virtually

It is easy to feel disconnected, lonely, and unmoored in this new reality of social distancing and shelter-in-place due to the novel coronavirus. Some churches and small groups may not able to meet in person, but it’s still true that the best way to deepen our Christian faith and grow closer to Jesus is in community. There is a way that you can still meet with your small group or Bible study! We wanted to share with you a few simple ways to be in community from your home, using technology.

Make Sure Everyone Can View the Video Teaching

Want just one study? Buy a pack or DVD that has free streaming included. Here's a few of our newest video studies to check out:

Free streaming code included with select DVD purchases and redeemable at Study Gateway.

Want unlimited access to all studies? Sign up for Study Gateway! Get a 60-day free trial, and you can cancel at any time. Watch studies with your group online anytime and anywhere.

Make Sure Everyone Has a Copy of the Study Guide

ChurchSource offers study guides for all studies at 30% off, and save even more with bulk discounts for 10+ study guides. Free shipping on orders of $35 or more.

Insiders tip: If you sign up for a Study Gateway subscription, you qualify for a 50% discount on your study guides! Study guides offer group discussion questions but also Bible exploration, personal reflection questions, and in-between study questions.

Video study also available.

Video study also available.

Video study also available.

Video study also available.

Video study also available.

Video study also available.

Make Sure Everyone Can Connect Online

Once everyone in your group has access to the streaming video and study guide, make sure everyone in the group has a way to connect online at the same time. There are a number of services available like Skype, Zoom, or Discord. Many of these services allow users to connect with video, and some offer audio and a chat feature for geographic areas with slower internet connections.

Make Sure Everyone Can Meet

Set up a time to meet each week—likely, your normal small group time. Arrange to have everyone watch the video prior to the meeting or watch the video during your online meeting, then join together on your online meeting service for your group discussion.

Nothing works quite as well as meeting together in person, so be patient with your group members and with the technology. Allow everyone time to get used to the platform you are using and allow every person space to talk and offer insights.

Watch the world’s best video Bible Studies for online church, virtual Bible study groups, and personal growth. Stream unlimited studies by respected teachers, pastors and authors from Zondervan and Thomas Nelson. Try it with your online church or virtual group.

Video studies available from bestselling authors, pastors, and Bible teachers on a variety of relevant topics. Study guides for group discussion or personal study start at 30% off plus FREE shipping on orders of $35 or more.