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Galatians: Accepted and Free (Beautiful Word Bible Studies)

God loved you so much that he created a plan that you could never have achieved on your own. And when you don’t get that, you find yourself subject to the bondage that you were in before you even knew Jesus. What you’ll see as Jada Edwards walks you through Galatians is Paul giving a very passionate and urgent assurance, helping you understand that once you place faith in Jesus, you are transformed. You are made new. You are forever a part of the family of God. You are fully accepted, and you are free.

About This Study

Topic/ThemeTopic/Theme: Books & People of the Bible
Recommended UsesRecommended Uses: Women's Ministry, Small Group
Homework Time CommitmentHomework Time Commitment: Moderate (30 min-1 hr)
Experience LevelExperience Level: Intermediate
Study FormatStudy Format: Video Study DVD with Study Guide
SessionsSessions:  | ~22 minutes each
Free Downloadable ResourcesFree Downloads: Sample Study Guide Chapter