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Think, Act, and Be Like Jesus Bible Study by Randy Frazee

The Believe Bible Study Series helps you answer three questions: What do I believe and why does it matter? How can I put my faith into action? Am I becoming the person God wants me to be? As you journey through this series, whether in a group or on your own, one simple truth will become undeniably clear: what you believe drives everything.

Think Like Jesus: What Do I Believe and Why Does It Matter?

What You Believe Drives Everything.  God's desire is for you to think like Jesus so you can act like Jesus and ultimately be like Jesus. This process begins with the transformation of your thoughts – for the way you behave, the habits you form, and the character that defines you are all driven by what you believe. Think Like Jesus will help you understand the key beliefs of Christianity that, when embraced in your own mind and your heart, will create true change in your life, in the church, and in the world.

Act Like Jesus: How Can I Put My Faith into Action?

Believe In Your Heart, Not Just In Your Head.  There is a difference between believing something and allowing those beliefs to shape your actions. To become like Jesus, your beliefs need to not only inform you but also transform you. It is the practice of reaching up to God and out to others that will drive beliefs from your head to your heart. Act Like Jesus teaches you the life-giving spiritual disciplines that will lead you in fulfilling your mission to love God and love your neighbor.

Be Like Jesus: Am I Becoming the Person God Wants Me to Be?

Becoming Like Jesus Is a Journey.  God wants to transform your thoughts and your actions so you will bear good fruit, impact the world, and experience joy in your life. But for this to happen, you must remain in community with Christ so he can instill his life-giving spiritual virtues within you. As you do this on an ongoing basis – abiding in the presence of Jesus on a daily basis – the more spiritual fruit you will produce. Be Like Jesus reveals how practicing these spiritual virtues, when embraced in your heart and mind, will lead you in fulfilling your mission to not only think and act like Jesus . . . but actually be like Jesus.

About This Study

Topic/ThemeTopic/Theme: Theology; Spiritual Growth/Formation
Recommended UsesRecommended Uses: Church Campaign, Small Group, Preaching Resource
Homework Time CommitmentHomework Time Commitment: Moderate (30 min-1 hr)
Experience LevelExperience Level: Beginner
Study FormatStudy Format: Video Study DVDs with Study Guides
SessionsSessions: 8 per study