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Unboxing the Find Your People Curriculum Kit with Jennie Allen

Unboxing the Find Your People Curriculum Kit with Jennie Allen
It's always exciting to get something fun in the mail, especially if it is something that you have worked on and poured your heart and soul into creating for two years. So when Jennie Allen got the curriculum kit from her recently released Bible study, Find Your People, she couldn't wait to unbox it and give you a tour! 

"Okay guys this is my first time to actually unbox this thing! This [Bible Study] was a project that I've worked on for two years and specifically different than the book. This is a theological dive into community and what the bible says about it.  We go from Genesis to Adam and Eve when He [God] creates [Adam and Eve] to Revelation that [when] we will be with God forever together. This is that story and so if you have already read the book this is a perfect way to compliment it. So, I'm gonna unbox it, this is it, isn't it cute?"

Unboxing Find Your People Curriculum Kit with Jennie Allen

"All right, I love Bible study because I love tools! I think tools bring everybody together. Here's the study guide and yes it is similar, there are parts of it that are similar to the book but this is different. This is different content. [The Study Guide is] a deeper dive into the Bible and into projects and it gives you all kinds of ways to connect with your people. In fact, every Bible study I write, it ends with application. It's these different projects, [for example, project 2] your accountability plan, [project 3] tell the truth. It gives you activities you can do and walk through with your people.

It begins with study, it begins with what does the scripture say and what do we need to know about it and then it moves into interpretation, what does it say to me and then it's so what am I supposed to go do about it? So I follow that plan as a simple Bible study method that has been around forever and ever and ever, I just try to do it for A.D.D. people. I try to do it in a way that captures you where you're doing something different every time; every week you're gonna be doing different projects together with your people and then I teach!

There's seven sessions that I recorded and they're so cool. They're all in different settings, some of my friends participated and I teach the bible, I teach exactly what God says about community and His call to it. This was so fun to film, we were on different locations all over Dallas and it was so creative, I had the best team and they helped build this incredible resource.

Also, in all my Bible studies is a conversation card deck and so, I think this is the most fun thing I do! I love this and I'm so proud of it because I think, for me, I was in so many bible studies where it was like, fill in the blank, and they would be like what's your answer to number six and I was so unbelievably bored in bible study that when I started building my own I [thought], what would make me not bored and it's great conversations! It's connecting people and having real conversations about what is happening. So, I'm just going to pull one of the cards.

Find Your People Conversation Card Session 3, Do you have an inner circle? If so, how could you deepen it?
 We go into processing that with the people that you're in life and community with, but imagine with this study how fun it is that it's about community and then you do it with your community and you actually begin to have conversations you've never had before about relationships and what's your expectations and friendship and what do you think God desires for these friendships.

I just think it's so special because it's not only teaching you about friendship but as you practice it, go through the conversation cards, go through watching the teaching and talking about it and [as you] go through the study, you actually are building that deeper community together as you're doing it.

That's my prayer, that's my hope! I love building new tools because I really think that's my strength, that I can put a tool in your hand and you bring people your people around God together and so I hope this is another really useful and fun tool for you."  

All components of Find Your People Curriculum Kit laid out