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Revelation: Extravagant Hope (Beautiful Word Bible Studies)

Have you ever heard someone say they are afraid of the book of Revelation? Or perhaps without knowing, simply described the book in a negative or challenging way? Nothing could be more incorrect as the entire book is a descriptive and poignant expression of what John was blessed to see that each of us longs to know—a place, an end, an eternity that is promised and is the very definition of hope, extravagant hope. As a part of the Beautiful Word Bible Study Series, Bible teacher and author Margaret Feinberg digs into the book of Revelation and the letters to the churches found there.

About This Study

Topic/ThemeTopic/Theme: Books & People of the Bible
Recommended UsesRecommended Uses: Women's Ministry, Small Group
Homework Time CommitmentHomework Time Commitment: Moderate (30 min-1 hr)
Experience LevelExperience Level: Intermediate
Study FormatStudy Format: Video Study DVD with Study Guide
SessionsSessions:  | ~22 minutes each
Free Downloadable ResourcesFree Downloads: Sample Study Guide Chapter