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Save up to 70%, and get an extra 15% off $100+ with code CHRISTMAS15 or and extra 20% off $175+ with code CHRISTMAS20

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

In this five-session small group Bible study, Ann encourages participants to take on the life-changing discipline of journaling God's gifts—to find the good in life in all circumstances. It’s only in this expression of gratitude for the life we already have, that we discover the life we've always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and use to serve others. In it, we come to feel and know the impossible right down to our core: We are wildly loved by God. Embark on this personal, honest and fresh exploration of what it means to be deeply fulfilled, wholly happy, and fully alive.

About This Study

Topic/ThemeTopic/Theme: Overcoming & Healing; Joy & Thankfulness
Recommended UsesRecommended Uses: Women's Ministry, Small Group
Homework Time CommitmentHomework Time Commitment: Minimal (<30 min)
Experience LevelExperience Level: Intermediate
Study FormatStudy Format: Video Study DVD with Study Guide and Core Book
SessionsSessions: 5   |   ~22 minutes each
Streaming Video Available at Study Gateway  Click Here 
Free Downloadable ResourcesFree Downloads: TBD