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Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 by John Maxwell

No matter the arena in which you find yourself called to serve–family, business, or nonprofit–the principles John Maxwell shares in these resources on effective leadership will positively impact your life and the lives of those around you. In this completely revised and updated “2.0” book and workbook, you will receive everything you need to take a significant step in your leadership journey, along with in-depth activities designed to help develop the leader within you.


About This Study

Topic/ThemeTopic/Theme:  Leadership
Recommended UsesRecommended Uses: Leadership Training, Personal Development
Homework Time CommitmentHomework Time Commitment: Substantial (1 hr+)
Experience LevelExperience Level: Intermediate
Study FormatStudy Format: Core Book with Workbook
SessionsSessions: 10
Free Downloadable ResourcesFree Downloadable Resources: Sample Workbook Chapter