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3 ways to create disciple-making small groups

3 ways to create disciple-making small groups

Then Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

In a world filled with constant distractions and challenges, finding authentic spiritual connections can be a daunting task. Yet, within the welcoming walls of our churches, there lies a powerful solution: disciple-making small groups.

These intimate gatherings offer a unique opportunity for believers to come together, study the Word, and support each other as they grow in their faith. There are three practical steps you can take to establish vibrant disciple-making small groups within your church community.

These steps will help you create an environment ripe for discipleship by focusing on leadership training and development, establishing a clear vision and purpose, and providing engaging curriculum and resources.

Creating small groups in your church can help members grow spiritually and build a sense of community. It will empower them to share their faith with others and will connect them to members throughout your church on a deeper level. Let's delve into these practical strategies and discover how they can breathe new life into your church's small group ministry.

Leadership Training and Development:

  • To establish disciple-making small groups, focus on training and developing leaders within your church. Identify individuals who exhibit a strong commitment to their faith and have a heart for mentoring others. Provide leadership training that equips them with the necessary skills for leading small groups effectively. Training topics could include effective communication, active listening, Bible study methods, and conflict resolution.
Clear Vision and Purpose:
  • Clearly define the vision and purpose of your disciple-making small groups. Make sure everyone involved understands the primary goal, which is to foster spiritual growth and discipleship. Small groups are for studying the Bible, praying, sharing struggles and victories, and supporting each other in their faith journey. A well-defined purpose will attract individuals who are committed to growing in their faith.
Curriculum and Resources:
  • Provide engaging and relevant discipleship curriculum for the small groups to follow. The curriculum must center on the Bible and focus on developing a deeper relationship with God and understanding His Word. Consider using study materials, discussion guides, and video resources that align with your church's theological beliefs. Choosing a structured curriculum will help keep the discussions focused and intentional, promoting spiritual growth within the groups.

Bonus tip: Encourage a culture of accountability within the small groups. Encourage members to be transparent about their spiritual walk and challenges. This weakness can create closer relationships and a helpful atmosphere where people can support and motivate each other in their beliefs.

Remember that creating successful disciple-making small groups requires ongoing dedication and effort. Regularly assess and adjust your approach to meet the evolving needs of your church members and to maintain a healthy and thriving small group ministry.